This is Cui Hao (崔灏). I also use the names cvhc and cuihaoleo online.
I am a student, a researcher and a geek from China.
Chinese Mandarin is my native language. I speak English and know a little Japanese and Spanish.
I am a PhD student in the Networked Systems program at UC Irvine, working with Prof. Athina Markopoulou.
My current research focuses on privacy policy analysis using NLP.
Previously, I did research on image watermarking and deep learning security with Prof. Zhang Weiming as a master's student at USTC.
I am an enthusiast of computer technology. I am skilled in Python and C/C++ programming, image processing and Linux administration.
I was the CTO of LUG@USTC. We offered a range of IT services, such as OSS mirrors, PXE and library kiosks, to campus and community users.
Check my GitHub profile to see my works!
I live with my wife Zhang Jingning. She loves kayaking and running. Her half-marathon personal best is 1:46:25, and mine is 1:59:02.
I play video games. Starcraft and Pokémon (GBA/2DS) are the games I put most time into. Also see my Steam profile.
I made my avatar myself from the Linux mascot Tux and the well-known Che Guevara portrait.